Each time they want the debt limit
raised we are told the government will default on our debt if they
don't get their way. While a few political and economic junkies know
this is a lie, the rest of the country isn't sure. Most of the
country has become numbed by the constant flow of lies. A few cling
to the lies of their favorite party and happily pass them along to
anyone who will listen. Too many, either out of ignorance or just
happy to tow the party line, are willing participants in the dog and
pony show.
Today one of the top stories is about
an 11 year old girl that was selling mistletoe in a Portland, Oregon park. Yes, it is a heart warming story about the entrepreneurial
spirit of a young American. The story is used to imply the young
girl was treated harshly or unfairly. It is made to look like
the entrepreneurial spirit is bad and begging is okay. Park officials
stated correctly, begging is free speech, which has been upheld by
the courts. New York has tried to ban panhandling in the past and has
been successful in only limiting aggressive begging or for reasons of
The little girl has learned a valuable
lesson. If park officials had given in, the girl would not have
learned there are regulations that control street vending. She is
learning a lesson in how to fight regulations and making them more
The lesson I truly hope she learns is to
not become a part of the dog and pony show. She is being used to push
a political agenda. I'm not saying the agenda is a bad one, I'm
speaking solely to the game being played in her name. Things have
worked out well for the young girl and she has had a wonderful
learning experience.
Each day as we surf the daily news, or
watch our favorite channels on television, we must remember that
media has one purpose only, and that's to make money. Each story is
calculated as to who will be drawn to their advertisers. This
doesn't tell us if the information is right or wrong, it's just a
reminder that it's all part of the dog and pony show. The news makes
an effort to appear in the middle, but often appearances are
deceiving. The middle is relative to the viewer's beliefs.
Today we all get a lot of our
information from bloggers who don't have profits in mind. Some are
part of the propaganda machine that drives candidate popularity.
Many are people that have willingly become a part of their favorite
dog and pony show. Then there are those who enjoy research and look
for only truth. Sometimes the truth is hidden by the dog and pony
show, but with enough perseverance it's out there.
We know the biggest dog and pony show
of our era is climate change/global warming. There are some brilliant
minds that participate in the show. They do so for a variety of
reasons, some for research grants, or some just because it's the cool
thing to do. Scientific participation in the dog and pony show can be
dangerous. Millions could end up starving or it could cause economic
collapse. The two major political parties are guilty of using the
topic of climate change to their advantage. The dog and pony show is
often filled with extremes on either side of the argument.
We must always look past the dogs and
ponies if we are to advance this society in a civil manner. The dog
and pony show has not only divided America, it has divided the world.
We can't be fooled by those who sell tickets to the dog and pony
show and then sit back and laugh. We must stop playing the party
games and always think first about liberty and equality under the
law. Some will always place their prejudices and bigotries first.
That forces the rest of us to work harder to break down political
lines. We must be wary of the two main political parties because they
are major producers of dog and pony shows.
In 2008 the Democratic party had total
control of government. They could have rushed through any legislation
of their desire. Why didn't they legalize marijuana? Why didn't they
pass the Dream Act, gay marriage, or immigration reform? The
democrats had their entire agenda before them. They could have put
may issues behind them. The reason they didn't is because they would
have lost some of their best dog and pony shows. They would have lost
issues on which to pledge promises come election time. The only major
bill that passed was the Affordable Care Act. This is the only one
that mattered because it grew government and gave them massive
control. All the other issues are just shiny objects that are
dangled before voters come election time.
Republicans are just as guilty. When
they had complete power they fulfilled few promises. In every case
where the Republican party had control, they increased spending (94 might be an exception) and
grew government. That would have been the opportunity to dramatically
reduce government by taking power back form the Executive Branch.
They didn't because they love power and control as much as the
We have two ideological beliefs in this
country. One segment believes in the most liberty possible and
equality under the law. The other wants to control aspects of our
lives, from the food we eat to the lives we live. Not all of either
segment is in a single political party. Once we become entrapped by
the dog and pony show we often become attached to a single political
party. We must close our eyes to the show and think liberty.
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